How to Prevent Back Injuries While Snowboarding

How to Prevent Back Injuries While Snowboarding

How to Prevent Back Injuries While Snowboarding

If the first thing you do when you see snow start falling is hit the slopes, there are a few tips to keep in mind to avoid ending the season early with back pain. Because of the fast-paced nature of these kind of sports, there is a high risk of injury especially for those who do not participate regularly. The most common injuries during skiing and snowboarding occur while falling. Falling can cause the soft tissues that support the spine to become stressed, not to mention causing concussions and even whiplash. It would be terrible to end a great day at Lee Canyon or Brian Head with unnecessary pain, so we have listed a few tips to keep you going throughout the snowboarding season.


Here are 4 easy ways to prevent back injuries while snowboarding this winter:

1. The early exerciser gets the worm.  If you don’t board normally, or you are not in the best of shape, your chances of straining your back are much higher. Core strength exercises are best because they help support the spine. Hip and hamstring workouts are very important as well. If you are worried about falling a lot, do a few exercises to improve your balance before you hit the slopes. 

2. Warm up first always. Like all sports, warming up and stretching these muscles ahead of time gives you a better chance at leaving the mountain injury free. Do a warm up on an easier slope first before going to the more advances areas.

3. Falling correctly is key. Avoiding falls would be ideal, but let’s face it…it’s going to happen to the best of us. Bend your arms and knees, then tuck your head in when falling and this will prevent back and neck strain. Try not to fall on your hands when falling forward as well.

4. Match the slope with your ability. If you choose a slope outside your comfort zone, you are at a much higher chance of injuring yourself. Play it safe and work your way up to harder slopes. 

You can’t prevent every injury, but taking the right precautions greatly increase your chances of walking away from an awesome day of snowboarding injury free and all warmed up to go again the next day. For a full list of blogs and more information about Core Rehab, call (702)577-1962 or go to our website 

Preventing Back Pain While Skiing & Snowboarding

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