Injuries, whether from a car wreck, a bicycle accident, a slip and fall, or another type of accident can disrupt your life, and the lives of those around you, in significant ways. You may find it difficult or even impossible to do the things you used to do. After an accident, you may even find yourself unable to work. If you or someone you know has been injured in a Tulsa area accident it’s important that you act quickly and contact Core Rehab. Our team of Tulsa chiropractors, doctors and therapists will get you on the road to recovery.
Being injured in an car accident is very serious. If your don’t receive proper treatment quickly the effects can las for years to come. It can also negatively affect your quality of life for years to come. Our team of Tulsa Chiropractors see thousands of car accident patients every year.
Our chiropractic care doctors specialize in treating a multitude of injuries just like yours, giving you the comfort of knowing you’re being well cared for.
Core Rehab Tulsa
Tulsa Chiropractic Care and Injury Rehab