5 Posture Mistakes You’re Making at Work

5 Posture Mistakes You’re Making at Work

At Core Rehab, we know the importance of posture. Sitting in a chair for eight hours in front of a computer screen could be a big problem for back and shoulder pain. If you fix these five common posture mistakes it could relieve the pain you are feeling.

Mistake #1: Not having your computer monitor at eye level.

If your computer monitor is set above eye level or below, it is causing a strain on your neck. If your monitor is too high and you have to look up, you are forcing your neck to extend. When your neck extends, it compresses joints causing exhaustion which can then lead to headaches. If your computer monitor is too low and you are looking down for a long period of time, this promotes slouched shoulders, which leads to poor posture that can affect your spine. This is an easy fix. All you have to do is set your computer to the appropriate height that is most comfortable to you.

Mistake #2: Slouching in your chair.

Slouching in your chair could mean that your chair is too high or too low. If the chair is too high and your legs do not reach the ground, this can limit circulation to the legs and cause fatigue and contribute to varicose veins. If the chair is too low, the lower back ends up in a forward flexed position, contributing to disc issues and deterioration. To fix this issue, adjust your chair to the appropriate height so that your hips and knees are at 90 degrees. This helps prevent the strain of the lumbar spine, keeping it in a neutral position.

Mistake #3: Keeping your legs in one fixed position.

Most of the time, people stay in the same fixed position throughout the day. Even if you are sitting with good posture, staying in one spot can be detrimental. Be sure to get up and stretch during your shift. A footrest underneath your desk can also be helpful so that your feet won’t be planted which will prevent lower back pain and leg fatigue.

Mistake #4: Hunching your shoulders.

Having hunched shoulders while sitting at your desk can create a repetitive strain and painful adhesions in the area.  A useful way to fix this problem is to get armrests to support your elbows and help you sit up straight. This helps to prevent muscle strain in the upper back, shoulders and helps set up for good wrist positioning.

Mistake #5: Reaching too far for your mouse and/or keyboard.

Reaching repetitively throughout the day to a mouse that is farther away than need be contributes to trigger points and muscle tension and fatigue in the neck, upper back, shoulders and arms. This is also an easy fix. Have your mouse within a short distance from your keyboard by using a larger or extendable keyboard tray, or pulling it closer to you on the desk.


In conclusion one of the most important measures of all is just to get up and move around every 10-15 minutes.  Remembering this one thing can be miracle cure for many.

For other blogs and/or questions, head to our website: www.corerehab.info

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